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Contacting us

Specialist claims teams are standing by to assist you. Submit your claim online or call 0330 660 0660.

If you are making a claim on an additional cover option, such as legal expenses or home emergency cover, please call the appropriate cover provider. Check your policy schedule to find the correct phone number. You can contact our 24/7 home emergency line on 0330 660 0660.

If you have any questions about direct debits please contact our customer services team.

If you have a question about a one-off payment or about the deposit payment please contact us.

Great news! We’re really glad that we were able to help you. Please post your feedback on our review profile at TrustPilot.

The best way to make policy changes is by getting in touch with our insurance experts here.

CI tower 
St George Square
New Malden

Please contact our team here.

You’ll be asked to choose from the following options to get through to the correct team:

  1. Renewing your policy.
  2. Changes to your existing policy.
  3. Get a quote or buy a new policy.

If you’re unhappy about our product or services, for whatever reason, we’d like to put it right.

Making a complaint is easy, our customer relations manager can be contacted in writing by addressing: Customer Relations Manager, Homeprotect, CI tower, St George square, New Malden, KT3 4HG, by e-mail on [email protected] or by phone at 0330 660 1000. If we can’t resolve the complaint, then you may be able to escalate it to the financial ombudsman service. You can find full details about our complaints procedure within your policy schedule. 

As added protection for you, we’re covered by the financial services compensation scheme (FSCS). If we’re unable to meet our commitments, you may be able to claim compensation from the scheme. For further information about the FSCS, look at the FSCS website:

Product/service groupingProvision (at reporting period end date)Number of complaints openedNumber of complaints closedPercentage closed within 3 daysPercentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeksPercentage upheldMain cause of complaints opened
Insurance and pure protection4.55 per 1,000 policies in force1437146067%33%36%Dispute over Sums/Charges
Premium Finance0.57 per 1,000 policies in force666352%48%21%Product Performance/ Features

You can find your important documents by logging in to your account. If you are not yet a customer but want to look at our policy booklets you can do so on our policy booklets page.

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72% Saved money when they switched to Homeprotect*

*Survey data of 1,089 buying customers from 30th October – 12th November 2024